VR pseudo-haptic force feedback for fencing

Skill: Pseudo-haptic feedback, VR, Unity
Context: Personal project (2019)
Link: Demonstration video

These dev aims at making the user feel the resistance of a saber they are holding in virtual reality, without dedicated haptic hardware, other than the classical controllers.

To do so, for one saber, I have in fact 2 sabers :

Then, "when needed" (ie when the VR saber is blocked, and so, out of sync with the IRL one), I apply forces so that the VR saber tries to join back the IRL one (and retrieve its orientation). I apply these force more or less at the grab position. And while the saber are not merged back, I make the controller vibrate, proportionally to the distance of the 2 saber version. To have a nice movements, for the moment I use an article by Digital Opus (http://digitalopus.ca/site/pd-controllers/) that explain how to have nice force based movements to a given position.

The magic is that our brain is tricked by 3 things :

