Orange VR Collaboration

Skills : Unity, VR, Photon Networking, VRTK
Context: Orange XR Developper (2017 - 2020)
Link: Presentention of OVRC at the Biennale internationale du Design de Saint-Étienne

Orange VR Collaboration is a virtual reality meeting solution, compatible with desktop VR headsets (Oculus Rift, ...).
With it, people can collaborate together as if they were in the same room, with post-it, pens, air pens, whitepapers, dictaphone (with Google Speech recognition), ... and import and work on various documents (pdf, fbx, images, ...) added through a dedicated web portal.
They can also miniaturizes themself on special places to see created or imported object in real size scale.

A very important focus has been put on ensuring a very simple and straightforward experience, accessible to every users.

The application has been presented in several events (Hello Show, Biennale internationale du Design de Saint-Etienne, Orange Business summit, ...) and has been tested by more than a thousand users, bringing a lot of feedback and improvement opportunities.

In a following research project, I developped an extension to rely on a Discord bot to allow simple authentification, with method easy to handle in VR.

