Friends Moments

Skills : Unity, VR, Photon Networking, Lag compensation, Ready Player Me
Context: Orange XR Developper (2021), for an innovation contest ( Orange Innovation Cup )
Link: Download link (App lab validation pending)

Friends Moments is a VR application for Oculus Quest 2 headsets, that allows to share good times with loved ones, regardless of the distance.

This multiplayer gaming experience allows to play several games like:

The application is available on Sidequest, and

A playlist of demonstration video is available here, including a full session video (in french)

The app is build with Unity, use the Exit Games Photon solution for networking and Ready Player Me for the avatars.

The interaction and locomotion stack is homemade, and is part of a set of UPM packages that we created to allow to easily quickstart networked virtual reality applications.

